IT Glue V1.118.30 - 2024-01-19

New features

  • Create separate password rotation rules for different organizations.

  • SSO is now supported for Offline Mode.

  • Admins can now quickly access the Datto BCDR DR Runbook feature from Organization Home page. This will only apply to Organizations that have been matched under the Datto BCDR integration.

  • SSID information will now appear under the configuration show page for Datto Networking access points, as well as in the matching page.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed minor issues with related items for the new Datto Networking Wireless Auto-Documentation feature.

  • Fixed the issue where the records from the “Network“ column overlap the records from the “Username“ column on the Account > Password Rotation page.

  • Fixed the issue in the Password Rotation page where the "All Matched Passwords" counter increased (even if no change was done) when opening the "Match Passwords" window.

  • Fixed the issue where enabling or disabling "Enforced SSO Logins" toggle in the Account > Authentication tab disabled the "Offline SSO SAML SSO" toggle in the Offline Mode tab.

  • Fixed alignment issues in the display of items in the Import a Flexible Asset Template list.

  • Fixed the issue where MyGlue users could not be added in the NA and AU region.